About Us

Ghosts, Ghouls and God is dedicated (GGG) to asking the difficult questions regarding the paranormal and Christianity. As Paul implores us, we study to show ourselves approved of God. Our research attempts to help interpret the Scriptures through the eyes of the cultures which wrote and first received them. In the words of Dr. Michael Heiser, “If it’s weird [in Scripture], it’s important.”

The scholar in residence for GGG is pioneer minister, Matt Arnold (MA in Pioneer Ministries / Fresh Expressions – Distinction). To read more about him, including his speaking engagements, please click here.

The paranormal and Christianity are often seen as being in conflict, even dangerous to explore. This is a subject we do not approach lightly, but studies reveal many paranormal encounters in the Bible. If we study its original contexts and languages, we find a smorgasbord of spiritual beings, and examples of how to deal with them.

Our Approach to the Bible and Paranormal

We use a Wesleyan Quadrilateral approach. This uses Tradition, Reason and Experience are subjected to Scripture to explore the paranormal in the modern world.

The Bible was not originally written to us, but was written for us. Realising this spurs us on to explore its contexts.

As mainstream Christians, we hold to the three main creeds that have been part of the major Christian traditions of history:

Our understanding is that the ultimate way of building a relationship with God is through the Son, Jesus Christ.

We believe that humans are tripartate in nature, having a physical body, a psychical soul (the Greek for soul is psyche), and a spirit, though we, like many other philosophers and theologians are still exploring the interaction and crossover between these pieces of ourselves.

We accept the warnings from our Creator that humans should not initiate contact with spirit beings. However, sometimes spirit beings may occasionally make themselves known to us, either blatantly or less obviously, such as in hauntings. When this occurs, we believe that Jesus and other holy people in the Scriptures modelled how we should test these spirits. As such, communication to see if what they say stacks up with Scripture as per our Christian Tradition is permissible.

We do not advocate using spirit guides or channelling, believing these to be forbidden in Scripture for our safety. A spirit following the will of our Creator will not contradict revealed Scripture. Where contradiction exists, these beings are suspect and not trustworthy. This calls for wisdom and knowledge of the Scriptures as well as guidance from the Holy Spirit. As St. Paul says: “Study to show yourself approved of God” (1 Tim 3:16).

Applying this Knowledge

Through our confidence in Christ and our calling, we explore the latest research, revealing the various contexts of the Bible. In turn, this offers insights that open up the Scriptures further so we may apply this learning today. We pray this will help others engage the areas of the paranormal intelligently, sensibly and without fear. Above all, that the Kingdom of God may be advanced.

We also offer help and advice to those who believe they may be experiencing paranormal activity. We’re also able to offer certain advice and help for those engaged in deliverance ministry. Contact us for more information.

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