The Paranormal in the Bible

Welcome to Ghosts, Ghouls, and God, dedicated to providing high-quality material exploring the paranormal in the Bible. Feel free to visit our Articles Database to find a range of studies in this much-neglected area.

NEWSFLASH! New Book Release.

To read more about the heavenly realms in the Bible, please see my latest book, The Invisible Dimension. Read more about the book, its endorsements and author.

The Invisible Dimension Spirit-Beings, Ghosts and the Afterlife in the Bible by Matthew Arnold

The Paranormal? A forbidden area for Christians?

Why should Christians study the paranormal in the Bible? After all, isn’t it dark and dangerous and should not be touched? We cover this in depth here. But for now, it is sufficient to say that our world is changing rapidly. People are more open to discussing spiritual things and the paranormal without being labelled weird. Interest in the paranormal has increased for the past few decades, and the media is driving and reacting to this interest.

Christians are called to speak intelligently into the cultures in which we live. Experience suggests conversations about a person’s paranormal experiences open up opportunities for a conversation touching on aspects of faith and even theodicy. When people discover the paranormal in the Bible, comfort can be found because their experience is not unusual and has been around for thousands of years.

We also explore paranormal encounters that Christians have had. Linking the two, we investigate how to effectively deal with various situations in “deliverance ministry”, bringing healing and wholeness to the afflicted.

A Sensible Christian Support Network – The CFPSS

For those who are interested in journeying together with like-minded Christians who wish to study together the psychical and spiritual, the Churches Fellowship for Psychical and Spiritual Studies is a parachurch Christian charity dedicated to the study and support of psychical and spiritual phenomena within a Christian framework of understanding. Current patrons of the CFPSS include Prof Rev Rowan Williams (former Archbishop of Canterbury), Rt. Rev Martin Shaw (retired bishop of Argyle and the Isles) and Dr Rupert Sheldrake.

The Churches Fellowship for Psychical and Spiritual Studies


The material on this site is not aimed at those beginning their faith journey with Jesus and will often challenge some of our received thinking. This may be because many of our church teachers lack the latest archaeological evidence. Others may have allowed their prior commitments to theological interpretations of Scripture to colour what the actual Text says in its original language or a logical reading of the Text. Following the advice of St. Paul, we advise you to test everything here and hold on to that which is true.

So, hold on to your hat, cover yourself in prayer, and browse through our articles, which include not just the paranormal in the Bible but also applications and stories of Christians’ encounters with paranormal elements. If you want to discuss anything, please get in touch with us for help.